11 replies on “Millie Clode of Sky Sports blonde moment over Cesc Fabregas”

  1. i was dying for her to say barcelona, poor girl. but come on, theres no shame in not knowing one tiny bit of transfer news. maybe she doesnt follow the media outside of presenting. and no mate , there is no such thing as a blonde moment. scientists are just jealous of how good looking some of them are. and plus these scientists probs have sad lives and never get sex

  2. guys she did sports journalism, but more importantly to us guys she is fucking beautiful

  3. what i like about millie is that she doesn’t pretend to give a fuck. I’m here because I’m fit – end of.

    The way it should be

  4. Haha, I’ve got to respect her for how smoothly she managed to get out of the question!

    Her figure is incredible o_O

  5. 😀 She got the sports presenters job for her sports journalism & knowledge of course, not at all because she reminds the CEO of Sky Sports News of his High School Sweetheart. How dare you….;)

  6. as long as she sits & smiles & looks hot whilst we all toss off to her then she can do whatever she wants

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